Ingenious proposals
The artisan teacher Yathali Rosas, belonging to the Triqui area, participated in a textile workshop directed by the teacher Rocío Vidal, in which she proudly shows us her proposal.
She has chosen to make a cushion cover, for which she took the color and composition recommendations provided by her teacher.
For the iconography that she used, she tells us that there are two types, depending on the way in which they are broached (that is, how the threads are interwoven) can be individually or as a whole. When speaking of individuality, she does not refer to it being about a personal meaning, but to the icons that are separated from one another. To carry out this iconography, Yathali undertook the task of investigating the meaning of an ancient iconography found in a huipil from 1890 to combine it with a more current one, even adding two icons of her own authorship. Within her creative process, she counts the number of butterflies that fit on her canvas, since for her it is important to be aware of the number that she manages to occupy because there are between 170 and 200 icons.

As a suggestion from his teacher, each icon used had to be different, to precisely show this wide range that they have in their region.
To decorate the perimeter of the cushion, she used an embroidery technique called randa de braid.
Being Yathali, a very creative person, she came up with a way to save time and fabric in creating these covers as no part is cut or wasted, every part of her canvas is used functionally.

This technique consists of leaving some fringes on the back of the cushion to cover the union of both parts.
At the top of the fringe, she executed another technique which she calls “chapulín” which is made up of a type of knots forming a small braid.
Source: Distance crafts workshop, presentation by Yathali Rosas.